Expansion 105

April 12th 1961, a day to remember when the world stopped to watch Yuri Gagarin enter the space for the first time in history. What was once a distant dream would then be the starting point to change the future of all the mankind.

Expansion 105 is a journey to the unknown, is a breaking point between dreams and reality, what is possible and impossible. Is a state of mind where we can reach new worlds and galaxies, travel between solar systems without physically moving.  It´s a journey to a “new world”, a world without limitations.


In a time that the whole world is navigating through some rough “galaxies”, fear can dominate us and makes us hesitate but we need to understand that fear is a important part of the evolution when we want to exceed ourselves.

Yuri was off travelling to the unknown at 327 km over the earth surface. However, did he let that fear stop him from achieving his dream and the whole world’s? Or despite all the alert signs of failure, did mission Apollo back down? 

The answer is NO. And because of that, in a few years, we might see life occurring in Mars! Unbelievable right?

That’s the beauty of all of it and that’s how we have to see ourselves. With the bravery to search other ways to live life and its adventures, evolve and setting free of the past always looking up to the future. Cause we never know where the journey might end!



In a time that the whole world is navigating through some rough “galaxies”, fear can dominate us and makes us hesitate but we need to understand that fear is a important part of the evolution when we want to exceed ourselves.

Yuri was off travelling to the unknown at 327 km over the earth surface. However, did he let that fear stop him from achieving his dream and the whole world’s? Or despite all the alert signs of failure, did mission Apollo back down? 

The answer is NO. And because of that, in a few years, we might see life occurring in Mars! Unbelievable right?



That’s the beauty of all of it and that’s how we have to see ourselves. With the bravery to search other ways to live life and its adventures, evolve and setting free of the past always looking up to the future. Cause we never know where the journey might end!

Expansion 105

Your time as come

Expansion 105

Your time as come